Hip Bursitis

There are a number of small, jelly-like sacs, or bursae, throughout your body that create a protective layer between your muscles, tendons, and joints. Bursitis is a condition in which one of these bursa sacs becomes inflamed, typically occurring in conjunction with an injury or overuse. If you participate in a sport like distance running or volleyball, you may be at risk to develop hip bursitis.

Hip bursitis symptoms include pain in the hip and at the top of the outer thigh. The pain is usually intense and sharp in the early stages of the condition and may develop into a dull ache over time. It may be time to see the hip doctors at Premier Bone and Joint Centers if you are suffering from any of the following symptoms:
Severe pain at night
Pain while laying down on the hip
Pain standing up after being in a seated position for a length of time

Physical therapy and pain medications can alleviate the symptoms of hip bursitis, but these methods usually do little to treat the root of the condition. If you think you may be suffering from hip bursitis, contact Premier Bone and Joint Centers to schedule an appointment by calling (800) 446-5684.