Weight Loss = Pain Relief
Research shows that losing even a little weight can make a big difference in reducing joint pain.
For those with joint pain, often caused by ligament or cartilage damage, walking and most type of exercises exacerbate the pain; knees take the brunt of our body weight's force as we walk, run, or jump during an activity. Just 10 extra pounds of weight increases the force on the knee by 30 to 60 pounds each step.
The following are a few pointers that may help joint pain sufferers lose weight:
Simplify your goals. Don't try to lose a bunch
of weight all at once. Instead, set short-term
goals to shed weight a few pounds at a time.
Try less painful exercises. If walking and
weightlifting cause too much pain, try exercises that require less impact, such as swimming,
water aerobics, and cycling.
Maintain a healthy diet. An exercise program combined with a healthy diet will give you the
best chance to lose weight.
Call the doctors at Premier Bone & Joint Centers at (877) 557-1166 or visit us online by clicking here.